RLM 75
Jan 1, 2010 18:45:11 GMT
Post by Paul Senter on Jan 1, 2010 18:45:11 GMT
Hi all
Just about to start a FW 190A-8 in standard RLM 74/75/76. Just looking through my collection of Vallejo Model Air and it lists RLM 75 as German Grey whereas contemporary descriptions have it as Gray Violet. The pictures also look decidedly lighter than the german grey.
Does anyone know if there is a good equivalent RLM 75, at the moment I am looking at using a lighter grey with a dash of red and blue to violet it up.
Funny thing is - in all the various Luftwaffe aircraft I have completed this is the first with the standard fighter camouflage!! Need to leave those lat war 262's alone I think.
RLM 75
Jan 1, 2010 19:10:46 GMT
Post by ratch on Jan 1, 2010 19:10:46 GMT
I don't have a definitive answer, I've tried compiling a chart with paint equivalents, based on other charts freely available and have found that some/most utterly confuse the matter. With regard to RLM75, one equates it to Hu:106 and another to Hu:92, no direct match to Vallejo Model Air to 106, but 92 (is supposed to match) 71.052 German Grey. Another chart matches 106 to 71.048 Dark Sea Grey. 106 = 70.869-162 Basalt Grey and 92 = 70.886-101 Green Grey... Confused yet? I won't go into other brands of paint. At the end of the day, pick a colour that suits you (sir), and let us know what it is
RLM 75
Jan 2, 2010 16:51:12 GMT
Post by Paul Senter on Jan 2, 2010 16:51:12 GMT
Thats exactly what I have come up against. I have looked at my copy of Ospreys Modelling FW 190 A, F &G and the contributors use Xtracolour enamels so I guess I shall track some of those down.
Incidentally I notice that a firm called Creative Models will start shipping Testors Model Master paints to the UK - looking forward to that.
Paul, I´ve moved this into the TAS room as I think you stand more of a chance of your request being spotted by Alfie
RLM 75
Jan 3, 2010 11:57:04 GMT
Post by sanguin on Jan 3, 2010 11:57:04 GMT
RLM 75
Jan 3, 2010 15:32:55 GMT
Post by popeye on Jan 3, 2010 15:32:55 GMT
Paul, It may not be a big help but see Xtracrylics / Agama range - I used Agama RLM 74 & 75 on the Me 410 below. However - I also lightened the 75 with some White and Matting Agent to get more contrast beween 75 and 74. HTH. Rolf .
RLM 75
Jan 3, 2010 20:43:41 GMT
Post by ratch on Jan 3, 2010 20:43:41 GMT
Just for comparison... Humbrol enamels 27 & 92 Xtracolor enamels 207 (RLM 75) & 208 (76) Vallejo Model Air 71046 Pale Grey Blue (RLM 76) / 71054 Dark Grey Blue (RLM 74) / 71053 Dark Seagreen (RLM 75)